Feast of Tabernacles

One of the High Holy Days of YHWH is the Feast of Tabernacles that occurs in the fall/winter season.

“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD.” Leviticus 23:34

“Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath. (40) And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days. (41) And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. (42) Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths: (43) That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.” Leviticus 23:39-43

When the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt and were made to wander in the wilderness to learn the commandments of YHWH and also purge out the disobedient from among the people (Numbers 34:13), the ordinance of the Feast of Tabernacles was given unto them to keep throughout all of their generations. Israel was to remember how the Lord made us to dwell in booths and preserved the righteous safely. However, the unrighteous that chose not to follow after the commandments of YHWH was cut off and failed to enter into the promised land of Israel. We keep the feast to remind us of the severity of keeping the commandments even in this modern wilderness.

“And I will bring you out from the people, and will gather you out of the countries wherein ye are scattered, with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out. (35) And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face. (36) Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, saith the Lord GOD. (37) And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: (38) And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” Ezekiel 20:34-35

The feast begins on the 15th day (14th day at evening) of the seventh month according to the Hebrew year (7th new moon or month of the year) and is held for eight days with the first day (15th day or 14th day at evening) and the eighth day (22nd day) being observed as Sabbath days in which a convocation (gathering) is held. The feast week would officially end at sundown on the 22nd day (which would begin the 23rd day of the month seeing a new day begins in the evening).

“Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD. (35) On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. (36) Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein.” Leviticus 23:34-36

Many erroneously think that the convocations of YHWH were only for the ancient times of Moses and need not be followed today. The scriptures express that this way of thinking is completely incorrect.

“And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.” Leviticus 23:41

“And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness. (18) Also day by day, from the first day unto the last day, he read in the book of the law of God. And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day was a solemn assembly, according unto the manner.” Nehemiah 8:17-18

It is made clear that the feast is to be kept forever and our forefathers kept it well after the time of Moses. The feast continued to be kept in the new testament.

“Now the Jew’s feast of tabernacles was at hand.” John 7:2

“In the last day, (8th day of the feast) that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” John 7:37

“And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. (17) And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. (18) And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. (19) This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.” Zechariah 14:16-19

In the new kingdom of YHWH this holy Feast of Tabernacles will continue to be observed. Let no man deceive you by telling you that the convocations of the Lord do not have to be followed. Our forefathers as well as Christ have kept these commandments throughout history reminding our people of the greatness and righteousness of our Heavenly Father.

Yatab Yasharahla

Hebrews 2:13 KJVS

[13] And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me.


Feast of Dedication

