12th New Moon - Adar
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Destruction of Nicanor
The domination of Judas over the death of Nicanor and all his army was so great a triumph that it was saluted as a time of celebration and rejoicing in Israel. The nation of Israel was, for a while, free from wars, and enjoyed peace; but afterward they returned to their former state of battles and war.
This victory happened to fall on thirteenth day of the month, Adar, which corresponds to our present day calendar of February/March. Moreover, it was ordained that all of Israel was to keep it yearly throughout their generations and esteem it a festival day of commemoration in honor and praise of our Savior and Most High God of Israel. (I Maccabees 7:48, 49)
The festival of Purim is recorded in the Holy Bible in the book of Esther. It is celebrated on the 14th and 15th day of the last month of the Hebrew calendar called Adar. The month of Adar occurs sometime in late February and early March of the Gregorian or present day calendar. The name Purim comes from the act of casting a pur (aka casting a lot) to determine the day of extermination against the Israelites which were held in bondage in Persia under King Ahausuerus (Xerxes I).
11th New Moon - Shabat (Sebat)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Tribal Exchange Marketplace
Come through and check out our venders on the last Sunday of every other month.
10th New Moon - Tabath (Tebeth)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Feast of Dedication (Chaanakah)
The Feast of Dedication is a Holy Day sanctified by the Lord after a historical battle and overthrowing of the Greeks rule of power over Israel. The Feast of Dedication also is commonly known as Hannukah.
9th New Moon - Casleu Kaslawa
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
8th New Moon - Bul (Bawal)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Feast of Tabernacles/Booths
When the children of Israel were delivered from Egypt and were made to wander in the wilderness to learn the commandments of YHWH and also purge out the disobedient from among the people (Num 34:13), the ordinance of the Feast of Tabernacles was given unto them to keep throughout all of their generations. Israel was to remember how the Lord made us to dwell in booths and preserved the righteous safely. However, the unrighteous that chose not to follow after the commandments of YHWH was cut off and failed to enter into the promised land of Israel. We keep the feast to remind us of the severity of keeping the commandments even in this modern wilderness.
Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement is kept on the 10th day of the seventh month of the Hebrew Lunar Calendar (please see the Holy Calendar section of the True Nation website for dates www.truenation.org). Remember all Holy Days begin at even or sundown (please see “When Does A Day Begins” literature for further understanding on the True Nation website). Knowing this you’ll understand why in verse 32 it says on the 9th day at even which scripturally would begin the 10th day.
7th New Moon - Ethanim (Ahyathanyam)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Memorial of the Blowing of Trumpets
The Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets is a Holy Day ordained by YHWH. The Trumpet/Ram’s Horn was an instrument used for many reasons in Israelite culture. It was used to assemble the people, give warning, alert Israel of the Holy Days or a call to arms for battle.
Annual Family & Friends
🎉 Join us for our annual family and friends event on Sunday, August 11, starting at 12pm! 🌞 Free food, drinks, and non-stop fun await you! 🍔🍹🏐 Don't miss out on the volleyball tournament, music, and good times. It's that time again to create lasting memories together! See you there!
Del Aire Park 12601 S. Isis Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90251
6th New Moon (Elul/Ahlawal)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
5th New Moon (Chaamashya Chaadash)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Tribal Exchange Marketplace
Come through and check out our venders on the last Sunday of every other month.
4th New Moon - Rabiya Chaadash
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Pentecost/Feast of First Fruits
1 Maccabees 13:1-7: “Now when Simon heard that Tryphon had gathered together a great host to invade the land of Judea, and destroy it, and saw that the people was in great trembling and fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and gathered the people together and gave them exhortation, saying, ye yourselves know what great things I, and my brethren, and my father’s house, have done for the laws and the sanctuary, the battles also and troubles which we have seen. By reason whereof all my brethren are slain for Israel’s sake, and I am left alone. Now therefore be it far from me, that I should spare mine own life in any time of trouble: for I am no better than my brethren. Doubtless I will avenge my nation, and the sanctuary, and our wives, and our children: for all the heathen are gathered to destroy us of very malice. Now as soon as the people heard these words, their spirit revived. And they answered with a loud voice, saying, thou shalt be our leader instead of Judas and Jonathan thy brother. Fight thou our battles, and whatsoever, thou commandest us, that will we do.”
3rd New Moon - Sivan/Sayawan
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Memorial of Simon
1 Maccabees 13:1-7: “Now when Simon heard that Tryphon had gathered together a great host to invade the land of Judea, and destroy it, and saw that the people was in great trembling and fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and gathered the people together and gave them exhortation, saying, ye yourselves know what great things I, and my brethren, and my father’s house, have done for the laws and the sanctuary, the battles also and troubles which we have seen. By reason whereof all my brethren are slain for Israel’s sake, and I am left alone. Now therefore be it far from me, that I should spare mine own life in any time of trouble: for I am no better than my brethren. Doubtless I will avenge my nation, and the sanctuary, and our wives, and our children: for all the heathen are gathered to destroy us of very malice. Now as soon as the people heard these words, their spirit revived. And they answered with a loud voice, saying, thou shalt be our leader instead of Judas and Jonathan thy brother. Fight thou our battles, and whatsoever, thou commandest us, that will we do.”
Tribal Exchange Marketplace
Come through and check out our venders on the last Sunday of every other month.
Blue Strip Presents: WE HEAR - Open Mic
Join us for our open mic night! Food and drinks for sale!
2nd New Moon - Zawa (Zif/ Ziv)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread
Luke 22:1:“Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.”
The Passover, also known as the Feast of Unleavened Bread, is a High Holy Day. This convocation serves to bring into remembrance the day when the Children of Israel were delivered from ancient Egypt (house of bondage). The name “Passover” was given to this holy day because the Most High brought the curse of the slaying of the firstborn upon Egypt. The blood which was sprinkled on the two side posts would cause the destroyer to “passover” the homes of those that kept this ordinance (Exodus 12:12-13, 21-23). This ordinance was to be taught and recalled by every generation.
Exodus 12:26-27: “And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service?” (27) “That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD’S passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped.”
New Year, New Moon – (ABIB) Green Ear: It’s a New Year For Real!
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
The festival of Purim is recorded in the Holy Bible in the book of Esther. It is celebrated on the 14th and 15th day of the last month of the Hebrew calendar called Adar. The month of Adar occurs sometime in late February and early March of the Gregorian or present day calendar. The name Purim comes from the act of casting a pur (aka casting a lot) to determine the day of extermination against the Israelites which were held in bondage in Persia under King Ahausuerus (Xerxes I).
Destruction of Nicanor
The domination of Judas over the death of Nicanor and all his army was so great a triumph that it was saluted as a time of celebration and rejoicing in Israel. The nation of Israel was, for a while, free from wars, and enjoyed peace; but afterward they returned to their former state of battles and war.
This victory happened to fall on thirteenth day of the month, Adar, which corresponds to our present day calendar of February/March. Moreover, it was ordained that all of Israel was to keep it yearly throughout their generations and esteem it a festival day of commemoration in honor and praise of our Savior and Most High God of Israel. (I Maccabees 7:48, 49)
12th New Moon - Adar
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
10th New Moon - Tabath (Tebeth)
"Each your month began with the New Moon Sanctification by recognition of the Sanhedrin. Policy dictated that to witnesses in two different locations, IN OR NEAR JERUSALEM, must testify to seeing the NEW MOON CRESCENT. A vote by the Sanhedrin was then required to officially reckon a new month beginning" (Christian Era Calendars, by Clark K. Nelson)
"The Sanhedrin originally determined the new moon by actually observing the FIRST FAINT CRESCENT (or young moon) in the western sky" (Postponements: Another Mysery of the Ages)
Feast of Dedication (Chaanakah)
The Feast of Dedication is a Holy Day sanctified by the Lord after a historical battle and overthrowing of the Greeks rule of power over Israel. The Feast of Dedication also is commonly known as Hannukah.