This Little Light of Mine

How many of you recall singing “This Little Light of Mine”? I know I can. So many of us, need it be in church, from tv, or a movie, have heard the song which stands as a staple for essential gospel music. However, how many of us really took the time to understand what it means? This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. If you look up the lyrics you will find several versions of the song. Each with its own unique twist. Need it be; “Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine!” Or maybe; “Let it shine around the world, We’re gonna let it shine.” And even, “Don’t let Satan [blow] it out! I’m going to let it shine!.”

All in all, they share one thing in common. This little light of mine, Im going to let it shine! If you were to ask the modern day bible believer what that means, need they profess to be Christian, Catholic, or Jehovah’s Witness. You will get similar answers; I don’t know, never thought about it, living for Jesus, confessing God, living for God. But what does that truly mean?

Proverbs 6:23 KJVS

[23] For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:

Some of you prior to reading this article may not have known that the law as a whole (not just the Ten Commandments) are what the light represents. One may interpret Proverbs 6:23 as the commandments are a lamp, meaning a light and the law is also a light to guide you, and you need both to go hand in hand to lead you. Or one may say, the lamp is the vessel the commandments represent, that you should have or carry with you. And the law is what illuminates that lamp or vessel and is the flame or light itself. So both go hand in hand. Either way, they go together.

Now, when one thinks of a light or lamp, what purpose does it serve? To shine and give light to guide your path. And you need light when navigating a dark environment, else if the path were already illuminated there would be no need for the light to begin with. You would easily be able to see and navigate from the light that is already around you. So contextually speaking we understand the light is not optional it is necessary. Not only is the light necessary; we have no clue how dark the environment surrounding us or path referenced truly is. However, through precepts (other supporting scriptures) we can get an idea.

Genesis 1:2 KJVS

[2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Exodus 10:21 KJVS

[21] And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.

Job 10:22 KJVS

[22] A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness.

When we are examining darkness, we are not dealing with light pollution, or a city life type of darkness. No, not even a full moon starlit sky type of darkness. But rather we are dealing with a gross, thick, rich, abundant darkness. Like the kind you were afraid of as a kid (and some of you even as adults), the kind that when you picture it, you get an idea of some ambient light at night, you usually get from other things lit in your room or coming from outside your window. And then you have that next level blackness that you don’t want to be left alone in. That, “I can’t see sugar honey ice tea in” darkness. That, “if I hear something or think I see something, I am screaming and yelling” type of darkness. Yeah, that kind. Ain’t no way you navigating in that without light.

If you think that’s bad, don’t even get me started on the terrain. Who said this is darkness in an open empty warehouse? Or a ballroom floor with smooth marble tile, that you can see a pretty reflection of your face when you look at it real close and smile type of terrain. Israel let me tell you. This is uncharted Outback without the Crocodile Hunter to guide you all the same, you don’t know if you might get mauled by a hippo or a rhino. This is the Amazon rainforest where everything looks cute and small but will kill you. Poison dart frogs, little pretty green vipers, and you don’t know if a jaguar is stalking you behind the trees. This is the Sahara, scorpions patrolling, rattlesnakes just uh rattling and hissing. I got trees, bees, mosquitos, gators, dogs, flys, snails, you name it! This is a level of darkness that you are not likely to survive and make it safely to your destination in if you stay here without light. He that hath ears to hear let him hear! This is the world we live in without light. As Job 10:22 put it “without any order”. Do you know where you are? You’re in the jungle baby you’re gonna die!

Yet, there is hope! This is why the end of Proverbs 6:23 is so important. It lets us know “and reproofs of instruction are the way of life”. Lets examine reproof using the Strong’s Concordance:

Strong’s Number


Strong's Definition

From H3198; chastisement; figuratively (by words) {correction} refutation 6

proof (even in defence): - {argument} X {chastened} {correction} {reasoning} {rebuke} {reproof} X be (often) reproved.

When I reproof/ or reprove someone or something. I am refuting information or proving again what was already presented unto me. Arguing in defense of or against what someone else has said or is saying. Correcting behavior or actions. You also get chastise as the first word, which when you look up the definition using you will see:

  1. to discipline, especially by corporal punishment.

  2. to criticize severely.

  3. Archaic.
    to restrain; chasten.

  4. Archaic.
    to refine; purify.

Now it adds on “reproofs of instruction”. What is instruction using the Strong’s Concordance.

Strong’s Number


Strong's Definition

From H3256; properly chastisement; figuratively {reproof} warning or instruction; also restraint: - {bond} chastening ({[-eth]}) {chastisement} {check} {correction} {discipline} {doctrine} {instruction} rebuke.

So now, let’s put it together and give the “sense” of what is being said, or rather what the scriptures are conveying to us in Proverbs 6:23. The laws and commandments are in place to light the road to guide you in the “way”, meaning the path or direction you need to go. And it is through the laws and commandments that you keep with you; holding that lamp in hand, lit, as a guide to refine and correct you to gain the instruction and discipline you need to walk in the way or the path, that will lead to life. Any other path before or behind you will ultimately lead to death. Anytime you may seem to wander, possibly swerve, hear something in the distance calling out to you that seems to lure you down another path. The law is the link to you getting the reproofs of instruction you need to filter out what way do I need to go down. Without the law as the guide, you will never find the right path you need to begin your walk in the right direction. You will continue to wander the wilderness, moving in darkness, never reaching your destination. He that hath ears to hear let him hear. Even with the light, even with guidance, you still have to watch your step and stay vigilant. Remember, it is not smooth sailing, it is safe sailing. You will still have storms along the way and rocks or glaciers to avoid. So let your little light shine to lead you forth in the way of life and safety.

2 Peter 1:19 KJVS

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Yatab Yasharahla

Hebrews 2:13 KJVS

[13] And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me.


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